Sunday, January 28, 2007

Charlene's 19th =)

From the people who brought you Gillian's birthday, we are proud to present....


Happy Birthday dear Charlene, again. XD Hope you had a great time yesterday. I'm pretty sure we all did ;)

Anyways, plans for the party started as early as Gilly's birthday :P We were all supposed to meet up in college at 6. Notice i used "supposed"? Yea, because I was supposed to be there at 6. But was delayed due to Kumar not being ready when i got to his place. Naturally, already late, I had to rush all the way to reach college. Yet still took me 45 minutes to get there. Stupid jam. So anyways, got to college, saw everyone was just waiting restlessly..

Everyone just got into the cars and we went off. 4 cars headed towards Charlene's house. Everyone was practically racing there. But Fidi got left behind, for reasons unknown. He did reach eventually, followed by Kim, Gilly & Izan. We took the stuff in and just waited for Charlene to get home. While waiting we prepared some of the basic stuffs first like the drinks. While preparing, Charlene's mum told us to get ready as she is home already. So we all took our places, and waited for her to come in. The moment she stepped in, she got shocked seeing all of us in her house =D After exchanging hugs and birthday wishes, we all started to set everything up especially the bbq.

The fire took a while to get started, so some started eating the ofter food first and some started drinking already. lol. Everyone was everywhere, some were inside lounging, some outside doing the bbq, some went to the shops to get stuff and some also went to the playground. Soon after Puvanes and WengChi & SiaoHui arrived as well. The more the merrier XD By this time we were already bbq-ing food. Eating away the chicken wings. After everyone was full, some sat down to have drinks, while the other half were inside dancing away. Pretty much continued on till early morning. The people outside also played indian poker. Yip puked, so did Adam. Indian poker isn't as easy as it seems. Pretty much by this time, Gilly, SiaoHui and Kim were KO-ed on the couch. After all the partying everyone just sat down and talked with each other. Until about 4 am, everyone had to leave. So did I, so I headed to send Kumar home, then it was home for me as well :)

Saturday, January 27, 2007

City of Delusion

Sometimes you wish you are strong or think you are, but the day comes when you realize that you are not. That it was all a big cover up to hide everything that you don't want to show, or feel. It was all just buried down deep inside and then suddenly it reemerges. You try to deny the fact by pushing it away some more, but the harder you push it away, the harder it hits when it comes back. In the end, you end up back where you started. You can see it in your own eyes every time you look into the mirror. Your eyes betray you, its the only thing you can't hide. It lingers in your thoughts. Playing with your emotion bit by bit. Tearing you apart piece by piece. Yet you can only wish you were strong. Strong enough to at least hold yourself together, just for a little more time. Just to reach that light at the end of the tunnel. To leave the dark behind you. One can only wish...

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Why sex is good...

1. Sex is a beauty treatment.
Scientific tests find that when women
make love they produce amounts of the
hormone estrogen, which makes hair
shine and skin smooth.

2. Gentle, relaxed lovemaking reduces
your chances of suffering dermatitis,
skin rashes and blemishes. The sweat
produced cleanses the pores and makes
your skin glow.

3. Lovemaking can burn up those
calories you piled on during that
romantic dinner.

4. Sex is one of the safest sports you
can take up. It stretches and tones up
just about every muscle in the body.
It's more enjoyable than swimming 20
laps, and you don't need special

5. Sex is an instant cure for mild
depression. It releases endorphins
into the bloodstream, producing a
sense of euphoria and leaving you with
a feeling of well-being.

6. The more sex you have, the more you
will be offered. The sexually active
body gives off greater quantities of
chemicals called pheromones. These
subtle sex perfumes drive the opposite
sex crazy!

7. Sex is the safest tranquilizer in
the world. IT IS 10 TIMES MORE

8. Kissing each day will keep the
dentist away. Kissing encourages
saliva to wash food from the teeth and
lowers the level of the acid that
causes decay, preventing plaque build-

9. Sex actually relieves headaches. A
lovemaking session can release the
tension that restricts blood vessels
in the brain.

10.. A lot of lovemaking can unblock a
stuffy nose. Sex is a natural
antihistamine. It can help combat
asthma and hay fever.

Sunday, January 21, 2007


I know I haven't been updating much. I'm just too lazy to update. Superbly lazy. Well, for those unaware, college is starting to go into week 4 already. So god damned fast. College occupies my life nowadays. Not that I'm complaining :) I pretty much leave for college early in the morning and come home late at night. Everyday. Coming home early is just not an option I consider anymore. There is just nothing to be done at home. Which obviously hurt my parent's feelings when I told them I don't like to be at home. Anyways, 2007 is looking good so far. But it isn't without the minor hiccups though. Things have made a turn for the unexpected lately. But I'll try and work it out.

Anyways, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO DEAREST GILLIAN :D Happy 19th! You are old already Gillian XD old auntie hahahah. We celebrated Gilly's birthday in Luna Bar. I had the surprise all planned out perfectly. And it worked out perfectly. She got so surprised seeing us when she came out of the lift at Luna. We had out drinks and food there. It was a nice little celebration. Laughing and fooling around. We then left at 11 and headed to Asia Club. Was suppose to meet WengChi there but Si Hitam forgot to call him up while going there, so WengChi came later. We only played pool as we didn't want to make a fool of ourselves with our pathetic foos-ing. Gilly, Izan and AiWei went to Starbucks as they can't stand the smoke. Adam joined them soon after. We planned to leave at 2.30 am but stayed till about 3 talking and talking. Then we all went off. my car, carrying Kimmeh, Izan, Yippo and Fidi headed towards college as their cars were parked there. Got there said goodbyes and waited for out cars to warm up. As usual, if we warm up our cars, means we're not leaving soon enough. So we ended up staying there with Fidi giving us a feel how drifting feels like, talk-cock-sing-song-ing, looking at the stars, singing and honking. When we wanted to leave at 4, Fidi suddenly wanted to eat, so we all went up to ali maju and accompanied him to have his "breakfast". By that time my phone was ringing like mad from my dad's number. After Fidi finished, I bolted home. got home at 5 and I decided to just sleep in the car. Mind you I did have my keys with me. then by 7 I woke up and got up to the room.

So thats pretty much what happened yesterday. Had loads of fun with my dearest friends :)

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Babble babble~

Theres 2 quotes I want to share with all of you...


Clothes make a man, style defines him


Being in love is not about looking for the right person,
instead its about being the right person

Monday, January 08, 2007

Monday Blues~

After much persuasion and demand from friends and readers alike, I'm finally getting down to updating this blog. I haven't been updating because I'm just too lazy. Well, its about time I get the ball rolling for 2007 :)

College just started today. Feels great to finally be able to see everyone on a daily basis. Well, almost everyone. Sadly most of the gang are moving up to year 2 of studies. I'm still stuck due to my incompetence of studying =/ So shall have to till February till everyone is in college. For those unaware, I'm back from Australia for about 2 weeks now. Boy, am I glad to be home. But I'm greeted home with the lousy internet problem caused by the earthquake in Taiwan. sheeesh. At least I don't have to be home a lot nowadays.

Now 2007 is here and I'm pretty much a year older. Time really flies lately. Sometimes you just wish it would just slow down a bit. I've come to realize even though I'm becoming 21, I don't feel like one. Slightly mature yes, but I just don't feel 21. When I was younger, seeing a 20 year old person seemed like very mature n old n responsible and all those stuff. Oddly I don't feel that way. I'm still pretty much the same. I'm amazed by toys, I act like a kid, I play video games. It's like I'm a kid stuck in an adult's body. Anyways, while in Australia, I did a lot of thinking about my life. I still haven't decide what I want to be when I work. Seriously no friggin idea at all. I don't know, is it because my interest is too wide? Is it because of my parents stopping me from doing what I really want? One thing is that, I can't imagine myself working in an office. I just can't. Try imagining. I'm sure you can't as well. My parents been bugging me about my studies. They think that I don't want to study. Truthfully, I really do. I know my parents think I'm a failure. They have this idea that I'm just going to work as a clerk in an office. I just don't study like how other people study. I don't read books. I observe and I listen. I know some of you guys will most probably be saying that I'm still failing. I know. I have no aspiration. Nothing to look forward to. Some people tell me to just think about being successful. Problem is, everyone wants to be. Its to general to say you want to be successful. Some people aspire to be successful to be a doctor, or maybe an engineer or architect. Probably thats the biggest problem for me.

Hopefully I'll be able to sort this out soon as possible. Need to finish up my current course by 2008 hopefully. Happy studying you guys! :)

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Things that come in 3s

Three things in life that, once gone, never come back
1. Time
2. Words
3. Opportunity

Three things in life that may never be lost
1. Peace
2. Hope
3. Honesty

Three things in life that are most valuable
1. Love
2. Self-confidence
3. Friends

Three things in life that are never certain
1. Dreams
2. Success
3. Fortune

Three things that make a person
1. Hard work
2. Sincerity
3. Commitment

Three things in life that can destroy a person
1. Alcohol / Drugs
2. Pride
3. Anger