Sunday, January 21, 2007


I know I haven't been updating much. I'm just too lazy to update. Superbly lazy. Well, for those unaware, college is starting to go into week 4 already. So god damned fast. College occupies my life nowadays. Not that I'm complaining :) I pretty much leave for college early in the morning and come home late at night. Everyday. Coming home early is just not an option I consider anymore. There is just nothing to be done at home. Which obviously hurt my parent's feelings when I told them I don't like to be at home. Anyways, 2007 is looking good so far. But it isn't without the minor hiccups though. Things have made a turn for the unexpected lately. But I'll try and work it out.

Anyways, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO DEAREST GILLIAN :D Happy 19th! You are old already Gillian XD old auntie hahahah. We celebrated Gilly's birthday in Luna Bar. I had the surprise all planned out perfectly. And it worked out perfectly. She got so surprised seeing us when she came out of the lift at Luna. We had out drinks and food there. It was a nice little celebration. Laughing and fooling around. We then left at 11 and headed to Asia Club. Was suppose to meet WengChi there but Si Hitam forgot to call him up while going there, so WengChi came later. We only played pool as we didn't want to make a fool of ourselves with our pathetic foos-ing. Gilly, Izan and AiWei went to Starbucks as they can't stand the smoke. Adam joined them soon after. We planned to leave at 2.30 am but stayed till about 3 talking and talking. Then we all went off. my car, carrying Kimmeh, Izan, Yippo and Fidi headed towards college as their cars were parked there. Got there said goodbyes and waited for out cars to warm up. As usual, if we warm up our cars, means we're not leaving soon enough. So we ended up staying there with Fidi giving us a feel how drifting feels like, talk-cock-sing-song-ing, looking at the stars, singing and honking. When we wanted to leave at 4, Fidi suddenly wanted to eat, so we all went up to ali maju and accompanied him to have his "breakfast". By that time my phone was ringing like mad from my dad's number. After Fidi finished, I bolted home. got home at 5 and I decided to just sleep in the car. Mind you I did have my keys with me. then by 7 I woke up and got up to the room.

So thats pretty much what happened yesterday. Had loads of fun with my dearest friends :)

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