Sunday, November 04, 2007


Going through my blog, I came to realize an awful lot of things. I got to notice how I've changed through out the life time of this blog. Which is about 2 years plus. How I used to think, how I used to write. Very much different from now. I also came to realize I have really been out of touch with my photography. Looking at the old pictures made me wonder what has happened to it. No I have not lost interest in it. It is more as if I have no vision for it. Got a good laugh seeing how emo I was back in the days. Made me miss the old days, when I used to hang out with Fez, Arifah, Yusnie, Syazna and many others. Gone were the simpler times. Now everyone is overseas. Leading their own life. Makes one wonder of the past, the memories. What is right? What is wrong? When will we know? How will we know? Only time has the answer. But by then, it might be too late. Life is just full of questions and choices. All we can do is make the best choice at the moment and know its the best that we can do.


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