Sunday, April 23, 2006
Friday, April 21, 2006
Kanye West makes...
Adam's balls tingle...........
*shudder shudder*
Laughed by
Raja Aliff
4/21/2006 05:54:00 pm
pink looks good on me,no?
greetings again.
i think the blog outlook change is rather obvious.i think it looks better then the white polka dots. :P
well, ever since the holidays started i've been staying home alot. watching tv and playing the ps2 most of the time. cant online today since there was something wrong with the modem. *kicks modem*
reminds me. today, while i was watching tv in the evening, my parents came home. then my mum called me down. she said "aliff,mari turun ni tgk apa papa beli." i was like hoyeaaaaah! they got me something! how i wish. came down, and i saw my dad with a big grin on his face.
he bought himself an elcetric guitar.
totally out of nowhere he bought himself not a guitar,but an ELECTRIC guitar.maaaaaaan.
means now i need to learn how to play the guitar i guess.well about time i'd say.
i miss college alot right now. cant joke around with adam and weng chi anymore. adam, i hope you are performing on the open mic nite thing. i'd come to see you and collin perform maaan. let her cryyyyyyy~
on a different note. i miss my darling so much :) yes, i miss you. hehehe.
Laughed by
Raja Aliff
4/21/2006 04:00:00 am
Sunday, April 16, 2006
the time of rest and joy is here.
but then again,i dunno what am i gonna do with out college.
actually i do ---> stay home and do nothing.well at least thats what i usually do,
but this holidays im planning to not just stay home and do nothing.
i will find something to do...something....something....
baaaah,i'll just play around with my camera and just go out watch movie. well, everything is pretty much good for me. i hope i'll pass all my subjects for the semester.hopefully.
im so boooooored.some one shoot me already
Laughed by
Raja Aliff
4/16/2006 04:13:00 am
Monday, April 10, 2006
Saturday, April 08, 2006
Everything that has an ending....will end
*cue sarcastic laugh*
especially from you adam.i know you'll laugh.ahahah
well,these past few weeks has been hell for adam,wengweng and I. really hell i tell you. assignments due, presentations to prepare.. yet, we still take our own time in ali maju and mama's kitchen.we still crack jokes in class and every single moment we can. something is seriously wrong with us.
but well,so far we are doing ok.english assignment done well.presentation is also skills assignment we all passed it up.we also did our flash assignment after MUCH agony.___.
mine was ok laaaaaa.
today was the highlight of our laziness. we all decided to come to college on our free day. supposedly to do our S.A.D assignment that was due at 5pm the same day.
so we worked on it since morning.we sat in the computer lab doing our work.adam and weng chi had a head start as they have started a bit before this. this assignment really took a toll on us.
after a few hours working on it, we started to lose it. adam started to talk to himself and played this game on his laptop and followed the dialog in the game with his accents.
then it was weng shi's turn to go bonkers. he closed his window without saving his work. *poof*
everything was gone.... then he started to laugh on his own. really scary.
we were singing songs from adam's laptop in the computer lab. although there were many other student in it, we didnt care.ahahahah. we camped there.brought in food and sorts.
syazna came and visit us because she has the elections to go to.she came and saw how crazy we were.ahahah.but she had to go first because of the elections. so we just continued doing our work. sorta...
i think we spent most of our time there today doing nothing that has to do with the assignment.
singing, walking around, eating, playing games, updating my antivirus on the laptop and etc. somewhere in the middle of all this syazna came and brought burgers. everyone was full so i ate everything.hahhaha.whaaaaaaaaaaaaaat? i was hungry..
then when the clock striked 4. everyone was stressed out. i couldnt take it so i stopped doing it. then wengchi went to ask for a delay and he got it. at5. adam went to get a delay also. instead of trying to finish up whats left of the assignment, we stopped and did nothing. adam and weng chi played game.ahahah.
so we just lepaked in the lab till the staff were closing the labs. then we took our leave and all headed home for more rest. i was soooo tired that i almost fell asleep driving home. but i didnt!. lawl.
hoyeaaaa, before i forget, FINALS are next week! or on saturday for the business student. gehehehehe. good luck to everyone! i need to get to the books soon!!!! woot :3
well thats all for today.
i need to go take more pictures!
Laughed by
Raja Aliff
4/08/2006 01:16:00 am