Saturday, March 25, 2006

photographer panda

well,since farid and chip commented on a short post, so im going to write a normal length post.
yes,its true.i am officially old from now on. im 20 now. 20 just seems so old now.eventhough i still have the mental age of 5( or is it 6 since its already past my birthday?) hmmmmmmmmmmm

yesterday was a memorable day.eventhough nothing much a few calls during midnight.well,actually only 2.ahahaha.woke up at 8 i think.stayed in bed till 1130. then i got ready because i was suppose to have lunch with a went to ampang, but it was soooooo bloody jammed there late.but it was ok.after lunch i went back home. had to because dad said we were going out to eat waited and waited until evening.then in the evening i got bored so i went to my aunty's pisang goreng shop.went there to eat free pisang so bad i know.but she was clearing up so she told me to finish whats left for the day.lawl

after that went home, went to my room and just stayed on the bed.then mum called for me because everyone was ready to go for dinner.went for dinner at this tomyam shop nearby.we went for dinner there because my brother wanted to belanja me.he had 10 bux in 1 ringgit notes.hehe so he was looking at the menu if he had enough money to pay for wat im eating.AWWWWWWWWWWW.i was soooo touched.never knew he loved me so much.ahahaha

after that went home.was tired so pretty mcuh waiting to go to sleep.then i got fah's msg.she said she wanted to be the first to wish me but she fell asleep,so she decided to be the last.ahahaahah.u mmg mengada fah! if u din wish me i merajuk with you until your birthday! but it was sweet of you.

then i read ja's blog. she had a birthday cake on her blog for me. and she wrote soething about me.ahaha.i was so touched.thanks alot ja! love ya! and yes,i will always be the expressionless musang bulu kaki curly curly.ahahahah.

thanks to everyone who made my 20th a memorable one



Chip said...

birthday wishing act seconded

Chip said...

birthday wishing seconded. haha